Tuesday, February 3, 2009

PAM.....the space aged last forever wonderful spray

I was briefly amazed by PAM. The 100% natural, no-stick cooking spray. A couple of days ago we were grilling and I looked at the PAM can and saw the words "Look! Freshness date on bottom." So in my most daring Dora the Explorer way, I looked under the can. What I saw was amazing. This can of PAM (which I am currently looking at for inspiration) has an Expiration date of "FEB2310". I went WOW! then started counting on my fingers. The year 2310....that's like 301 years from now. My wife chuckled and said the Expiration date was Feb. 23, 2010.

I paused for a moment and thought how stupid I was. But then I started thinking of distracting reasons why I was "not all there."

Could it have been the birds in the Avocado tree squawking (at a cat we didn't even see until it ran)?

Could have been the Christmas lights on the deck (we took the lights down in the front of the house, but will keep them up around the deck for awhile - see LOST LIGHTS)? http://copiouscogitations.blogspot.com/2009/01/lost-lights.html

Those lights were really shining.

Could it have been the mushrooms we were grilling (among other things)? They were store bought. We didn't find them with Alice in the woods.

Or was it just the relaxing day of not thinking about the world around us?

I vote for the latter.

So raise your PAM and spray.

PS: PAM is also fun to spray on ants. It doesn't really kill them but it is fun anyway.

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