Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lost Lights

We have had today (tonight) marked on our calendars for some time now.
Lost is back!
The new season of one of only a few shows we actually watch on TV finally begins tonight.
So to mark this occasion, we will shine our Christmas lights bright and tune in to ABC at 7pm.
Christmas lights?!?!?!?!?
Yes they are still up. We put them up later than normal, plus we were gone early in January so we have been enjoying the post Christmas lights when we thought about plugging them in.
They are pretty and it helps us always remember the real meaning of Christmas. That, we want to remember 365 days a year.
So tonight we will plug in the lights one last time and as the beautiful glow from the many colors shine in the dark night and the deer bob their heads up and down, we will click on the TV and tune in to hear these long awaited words "....previously on Lost."

side bar: see "This Day in History" segment .....look to the right of this blog......Vladimir Lenin died today in 1924. Read it!

1 comment:

Lariesha Onique said...

So many people forget the real meaning of Christmas. Glad you still have your lights up and you know why ;-)!!

Hey Wade,

Why do banks charge you a " non sufficient funds" fee on money they already know you don't have?