Tuesday, January 20, 2009

FLY.................from the poetry archives


In my mind’s eye I watch the fly go through the sky.
Then it buzzes out of control and it dies.
What was its life worth as it spent it’s time on earth?
Was it worth anything?
Was it worth nothing?
Was it worth its own birth?

In my minds eye I watch myself fly high into the sky.
I fly to the Heavens above the earth.
Then I watch myself die as I try to fly.
What was my life worth on this earth?
Was it worth my birth?

In my minds eye I watch the fly struggle among the trappings of all lower forms.
Surviving on anything it can touch or feel.
The grotesque idea of this fly that is real.

In my minds eye am I that fly?
When I think I can fly so high that I die.
Or when I fly so high that I never die?

Date: sometime in 2006

1 comment:

Lariesha Onique said...

I feel like a fly sometimes