Thursday, November 6, 2008

The LAST Political Blog of 2008

The Last Political Blog of 2008


The Presidential Race: I didn’t vote for Barack Obama, but he is our President and I will support him. We have no choice. I, in the past, have prayed for our leaders in all areas and will continue to do so. I hope some of the ideas Obama has will go through. I wanted John McCain to win because when he ran against George W. Bush 8 years ago in the Republican primary; I knew he would be our next President. His ideas and values were second to none. I had very high hopes for our country. Then he lost to Bush and the rest (I guess) is history. I don’t think George W. Bush was our worst President ever, but after 8 years, I would have to say that he wasn’t even close to the top. Let me just put it this way:
He is not his dad. His dad is not Reagan. Ronald Reagan was one of the best. I will always like Jimmy Carter. Ironic. I will give George W. Bush a little credit here: based on my lifetime and what I read in the history books, W. is probably in the bottom half.
How much power does a U.S. President really have?

So Barrack Obama – God Speed.

Everyone, Barrack Obama won. Those idiotic emails about race, etc. Give it a rest. Like him or not, no one should be the but of the types of e mails that I have seen (AND DELETED ABOUT 1 SECOND AFTER LOOKING – in other words once opened those e mails don’t last very long.

Also the Palin jokes and McCain jokes on late night TV. Guys, use you talent for something else. IT AINT FUNNY!

Wade – move on………

Sarah Palin in 2012? I will get back to you in 2011.

Bobby Jindal (current Louisiana Governor) in 2012? I do know, based on reports that he plans on running for Governor again in 2011. But I will tell you this, if he runs, he has my vote!!!!!!!!

And finally….Kudos for California, Florida and Arizona!!!!!!!
As you probably know, the state of California voted to BAN Same Sex marriage.
Amendments to ban gay marriage were also approved in Florida and Arizona.
Also, voters in Arkansas approved a measure banning unmarried couples from serving as adoptive or foster parents.

Until the next Hot Political time …..

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