Thursday, November 20, 2008

Black Dots and a Snake

The Black Dots Beat Me – but not without a fight


A little while before Hurricane Gustav, we noticed these little black dots all over our cars, driveway, walkway and house. We had no clue (and still don’t) what they were. So before we evacuated for Gustav, I washed the Ford (evacuating is hard enough – at least we went in a clean car). It took 3 hours. Those black dots were hard on me. The dodge was covered as well, but that thing stays dirty (where I work) so you could hardly see the black dots. A couple of weeks after Gustav, they re appeared on the Ford. I scratched them and they were red underneath.
They were not sticky.
They were washed off of the car again but they remained everywhere else.
A couple of days it was time to pressure wash the house. I did it and knowing the black dots were on the house didn’t bother me. But when the house was washed, I could really see the dots. So I proceeded to hold the pressure washer on each dot. It got them off, but I couldn’t do it for all of them so….They beat me, but the house looks great!

The Mystery of the Windshield Snake


Another marvel of nature.
A little while back we left for work. On the car’s windshield was a weird swirly line with several marks angling from the line.
It resembled the bottom of a snake.
We had no clue what it could be. A couple of mornings later, the same type of mark was on the truck’s windshield. Time passed and we didn’t see the marks. Then, the other day there was a wasp drinking (I guess) the dew off of the car’s windshield.
And guess what – the mystery of the windshield snake was revealed.


Sarrah said...

haha...the wasp on the windshield pictures are great

Anonymous said...

we were not expecting it to be a wasp that made the marks on the windshield.

Nicole said...

I found your blog when researching mysterious black dots. I too just noticed them this morning after the rain. It is all over my house and somewhat on my car. When I scratch them off, they leave behind a reddish mark. I think it is strange and don't know what it is from. I guess I will try pressure washing my house and hope I can get them off.

Wade Cortez said...

i pressure washed our house and the good news is they do come off....the bad news is it takes a lot of time. i had to hold the pressure washer on them for at least 30 seconds. i did not get them all off. as for the cars, i scrubbed and scrubbed......